Titleless Story

Posted by Bistra on November 06, 2005 at 08:01:07:

hey guys I composed some silly story for you, but it may be interesting for some of you. I couldnt think of proper title of it so I decided to call it 'Story With No Title' The second part of the story is a bit parodial hope you like parodies lol. Here it is:

Story With No Title

Part 1 - the firing squad

The car stopped at a empty road in 12:00 lunch time. Big "Mercedes" mafia - car with black glasses and modern lights stopped on some unknown road between two gas stations. On the road there was nothing but small green grass on the both sides. Two guys with black suites and black glasses went out from the front doors. From behind doors went out other 2 mafia guys bringing out a girl. The girl had her hands cuffed behind... They have brought her here because she somehow have been witness of their mafia secret deals and because of this their boss has ordered to them to eliminate her. Well they did that - kidnapped her from her own home and now took her on some place very far away from the city so almost nobody will know maybe soon that she has been missing.
The one guy - the boss stood infront of her lifted up her chin and watching in her blue eyes told her:
"Let's see, Bistra thats your name right? Let me tell you everything. We are sorry but anyone normal person who become witness of our secret operations as you did should be eliminated. Its nothing personal we are just doing our job. Am I clear?" he asked her
"Yes...!" she replied silently and calm. He was astonished by her brave behavior. During all the drive she didnt scream or cry - all calm on the way. And even now when she was knowing what was going to happen she remained calm and strong...
"One think i could promise, I will do it fast so you not to suffer too much" he said
"Ok I should be brave then I guess" she replied.
He remained much more astonished, from her calm tender voice. If it depended on him he would let her go for her brave behaviour. But thats the mafia law he had to do his job. the guys moved her out of the road next to the grass, they unfolded her hands but holded them so she not to try to escape. He came next to her took out from his black jacket modern revolver with silencer. he then met her eyes with his and said
"Any questions? Cause after seconds you will not be able to ask em anything..."
"Nope" she said
"Aight! Well sorry but its time to do my job"
he then pointed his revolver to aim her middle of her chest. Looked her at her eyes for last and then without more thinking...."Phhht"... small red blood came out of her top.
she moaned silently "Ahhh", then her breath stopped, her eyes rolled backward then they returned and closed in a way so only tiny of her white could be seen then she moaned one more "ahh..erhh" and then felt on her knees then felt on the ground on her back. As she stared at the sky, trying to take her last breaths, then with every passing breathing she felt how her eyes closed calmly forever, like she was tired and then felt how her heart became beating slower... more slower ....slower... more slower and that was it... her jaws relaxed open small blood came on her throat... she remained still like this... hands felt down stretched, the fingers were curled in death spasm and felt down calm and relaxed, like they sencelessly touched the grass, her knees bent both on one side. The blood comming out of her chest felt down over her body and made the green grass colored with red. The boss touched her neck for pulse and pointed his revolver one more in case she was still alive. But there was no need to do it. He didnt find pulse. She was dead already. One bullet has been enough... he has done his job. Teh four mafia guys stood upon her to see her. they four of them removed their glasses so they could see her better. They stared at her face - peacefully nice and calm like in some final sleep due to the blood of the mouth it was nice. they looked at her breasts they were showing from her tiny narrow top. Again in blood from the bullet wound they looked nice... the nipples were pointing the sky and remained like this forever. The boss leaned next to her kissed her on the top of her head then touched her breasts, then kissed her eyes touched her bullet hole in the middle and then touched her nipples and then he watching her liveless face said "You realy look nice now but we got a job to do, hope you dont mind! So bye and thank you for being so brave!"
Then turned to the other guys and said "Guys lets go back we gotta job to do". They went in the car and on their way they turned back to see her corpse for one more time. Then they entered and went away... She remained there in the grass... liveless and still...

Part 2 - Parody

(1 hour later)
Hi there... its me bistra from the story... well how to tell you I am laying here still and calm already 1 hour. If I just wasnt so curious and didnt hear their secret operations maybe I will not be here but thats my destiny and now Im remaining here on this grass with bloody hole in my chess and my blood even spotted the grass under me... I cant move my finger even even a leg even I cant open an eyelid to see whats up there... Its so calm and limpy here... silent... even if there was a sound around I wouldnt hear it... theres a silence in my mind and head... and blindness in my eyes... So now Im a corpse and nothing else... scary huh? Time is passing now, I become colder and colder... my skin becomes more pale... in the green grass... what a green grass it wasnt good idea for them to shoot me on the grass among so many bugs I hate bugs or I hated them when I was alive but now I should remain with them...Im a corpse have no choice already the good is that I already dont care if a bug comes upon me... I even dont care about this fly that went next to my mouth where the blood has come out... nasty fly... but what do I care of flies Im senceless now I dont even care... Not after these four mafia guys shot me, and left me here all alone...The night was comming slowly and I was still there... as I said I will not move anywhere even if I want and I dont want anymore... it is so calm now and so quiet... and so blind...
(after 1 hour more)
Im still here 30 minutes later or 100 minutes later Im here as well... still limpy and white and cold... enjoying the grass and under me and the nice afternoon sun shining on my dead face... the flies disturbing my peace became 2 one still on my lips, like it was bloody drinking fly and one on my chest. If I could just move my limpy liveless hand I should have slapp these nasty blood drinking flies but sad I couldnt.
A car stopped few steps close to where I layed and I heard a woman and a guy comming out. The woman said "lets relax here honey". They went out and hugged each other and then made few walks from the car then the woman started screaming - she saw me - the corpse. If I could just move I would not break down their small walk picnic in this nice afternoon but sad I was still there, as the mafia guys shot me and left me, I was there dead.
"Ahhh what's that ahhh" she started screaming watching my bloody white skinned cold corpse with flies on me... well it wasnt a nice look for her
"Dont worry Im just dead, nice to meet you" I was going to tell her... the guy turned her head so she not to watch her and then came back with her in his car. Then he came back alone holding his cell phone...

Part 3 - CSI comming

After I scared this woman just by doing nothing but laying there on the grass they came from "CSI Las Vegas", to investigate me and the crime. There came with cars and some women and men started investigating my body... removing any bug in my hair, they took some brush and started cleaning my face for investigation... taking any segments of my mouth, studying my neck my wound from the bullet in the chest my hands, my fingers found one more bugs down on my jeans. they drew a white line over my body to underline my deadly position that would help them for investigation.
Then they took me in a plastic bag and I then found myself in the CSI morgue... well its better place then this grass... Im lying now in a cool camera. The morgue man has cleaned me and washed me from all the bugs and blood though my holes remained unchanged. On the next day they came to him and he then exposed my body to tell them for the results. Im now nude under sheet cover. He took care to close my mouth for he needed to show me in better look for the CSI guys. my lips now looked blue under the lights, my face white like sheet, my hair washed my eyes still closed and so my face was exposed all the blood that was on my mouth was not there anymore. He undercovered my breasts showing them and the bullet hole between them.
"Any results?" they asked him
He showed to the guys image of my bones on the chest where the bullet has been and said:
"I removed this bullet from her chest and after the exams I concluded it has passed straight and broke her bones and caused her breathing stop in seconds. Some of the bugs remained there in her hair make me think she has been there lot of time that means she has been killed about 2-3 hours ago..."
Well guys I have now new home - this cool cold place where Im laid in the CSI morgue... I dont know how long thei will keep me until they find the criminals... If I could just give them hint who did it it will make them easier to find out. But I cant tell them Im just corpse... laying here in the morgue cooling chamber with many others around me same like me limpy and calm, waiting someone to find their criminals... well there is so much time to wait... we all could wait forever...
sorry guys Im never able to finish stories in the good way lol. Thats all