The Masque Of Medusa

Posted by Ay-Wun on October 18, 2006 at 18:41:51:

The Masque Of Medusa

'Bella was digging a pit. More specifically, she was digging a barbecue pit for spit roasting meat over searing coals. Even more specifically her meat. For 'Bella had finally given in to her fantasy, and the pleas of her lover Percy to be roasted over those coals. First though, the pit must be dug, filled with charcoal, and the charcoal ignited. Some other perversity in her had made her ask to dig this pit herself, though Percy and his pals Greg and Phil were quite willing to do it to taste that meat. So 'Bella was now digging her own barbecue pit, and nearly finished when her shovel struck something hard.

"Oh hel!!" she thought, "Not a big rock!"

She tried to dig around it, it seemed about nine or ten inches around. Then she found a space where the shovel was able to penetrate beneath the object. She pushed the blade as deep under as it would go, and put all her weight on the end of the handle. Out of the soil came a great lumpy object.

As 'Bella lifted the thing to move it out of the pit, the soil began to fall away. At one edge she saw what seemed to be glazed or painted ceramic. Curious, she began, roughly at first, then more carefully to knock the soil away to see what it was. It was ceramic. It was a mask, and what a mask. The mask was face of an impossibly beautiful woman, perfect in all of its forms, but with what appeared to be snakes for her hair. It was one of the Gorgons, most likely Medusa. She carried the thing into the surf to wash it off. It came out sparkling, as if the paint and glaze were new and fresh. 'Bella decided to show Percy and the others what she'd found before she returned to her digging.

"Hey you guys, look at this!" she said as she came up to the picnic table that they were setting up for her spitting.

"What's that?' asked Percy, a little miffed that she wasn't getting the pit dug.

"It's a mask, Greek I think, it might even be valuable." she answered.

"Crap!" said Greg, "What would a Greek mask be doing on a California beach?"

"Well it looks kinda Greek." 'Bella answered apologetically.

"Let me see it," said Percy, "Hey ya know, this kinda looks like you, only prettied up."

"Yeah it does." said Phil.

"You've got to be kidding," scoffed 'Bella, "I don't look half as good as that!"

"Well you would if you ever fixed yourself up, and cut the tom-boy act." Phil countered. "What do you think Greg?" Phil asked, as he held it up next to 'Bella's face.

"Well, a little, I guess." answered Greg glumly.

Before she could move, Percy clapped the mask onto 'Bella's face. There was a sudden flash, like lightning, temporarily blinding everyone. Blinking, they all looked around and saw 'Bella transformed. The mask had disappeared, it was now 'Bella's face that shone so gloriously, and upon her head, instead of her dark reddish curls, there now writhed snakes. Snakes of every design and color, but dominated by red. Her body too seemed to glow with a magical aura, as it too had become perfection.

And 'Bella had another entity now sharing her mind. And both of them were screaming inside, as she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, and shook her head back and forth, back and forth. Time passed as the screaming continued, until finally some words became clear.

"What is this madness you are planning?!" screamed the voice in 'Bella's head.
"I am to rule in this encarnation, I must not die again so soon!"

"B-But I don't know who you are!!" 'Bella screamed back, silently.

"I, Medusa am endowed with all the wisdom of the ages, I am to be the wisest, most benign, and loving ruler the earth has ever seen, in spite of the fearsomeness of my visage!!" the voice in her head screamed again.

"Why are you screaming, you're driving me crazy?!!" screamed 'Bella, trying to be heard.

"You must help me stop those men, or the world shall never know my glory!" screamed the Gorgon.

"What do you want me to do?" 'Bella pleaded hopelessly.

"You must tell these madmen to stop what they are doing, or all the hope of mankind will be lost!!" Medusa cried.

"I don't know how, and you're not letting me think!" she moaned.

Though it seemed a few mere moments, hours were passing in the world outside 'Bella's mind. Seeing the writhing snakes on 'Bella's head the boys had pulled her hands from her eyes, and over those hideous tresses thrown the canvas case that had held the spit. While Greg hastily finished and lit the barbecue pit, Percy and Phil stripped the unresisting, seemingly comatose, 'Bella of all her clothes. They lashed her arms and legs to the corners of the picnic table. Then each had her sexually, Percy in her backside, Phil in her pussy, and Greg a little in each of these holes. They had drawn lots for which hole each would get in their preparation plan. To Greg's lot had fallen her mouth, but no one wanted to remove the bag from her head.

Now they noticed that 'Bella's skin was beginning to look scaley. Percy quickly cut her belly open from sternum to slit, it was already difficult to cut that skin, but her guts were soon removed.

"They must be stopped, make them understand and desist!!" screamed Medusa at 'Bella.

But 'Bella herself didn't understand, and neither did she have a voice she could use. In truth though, it was already too late, for with her guts gone she could not long survive. The nine foot spit was thrust into 'Bella's pussy now, and driven through, pausing only for Greg to reach inside the gaping hole in her mid-section to guide the spit into her esophagus, then as it moved up her gullet, with the drawstring of that spit long case tied tightly about her neck, the other end was pulled down so 'Bella's head would drop back to allow the spit to exit her mouth. This was successful, and they could see the progress of the spit now, inside it's storage case.

'Bella was now borne to the coals her arms and legs having been secured to the spit. The foot end of the spit was dropped into its chock, the head end held above its chock until the drawstring was loosened, the case pulled off her head and the point of the spit, and that then locked in place. The serpents writhed insanely the open eyes stared in despair.

"Too late, too late, all hope is lost, lost in those flames!!!" wailed Medusa.

"Aaaaaah!! The flames, the wonderful searing, cleansing flames!! The longed for for so many years, at last, flames!!" 'Bella thought as she died.

In spite of the mouth being blocked by the spit the men thought they heard a keening wail rise to a crescendo, then fall into silence.

As 'Bella turned, roasting, the serpents ceased their sinuous slithering and fell lankly about her head and roasted with all the rest. Hours later, after many bastings, and many, many turns over flames and coals, that lovely piece of meat, that had been 'Bella, was finally done. By some miracle, that none of them understood, though the snakes were obviously cooked, that beautiful face looked to be untouched by heat and flame. What had been 'Bella was lifted again and set upon the table where, without removing the spit the carving was begun. None saw the mask fall from 'Bella's softly smiling, nolonger glowing visage, fall and vanish beneath the table.

As Greg and Phil sampled delicious slices of buttock and thigh, raving of her wonderful flavor, 'Bella's erstwhile lover tasted one of those snakes,

"It tastes a bit like chicken." Perseus proclaimed.