Joanne's Gift

Posted by Ay-Wun on October 30, 2006 at 13:39:51:

Joanne's Gift
By: Ay-Wun

"Oh, what a marvelous idea!" exclaimed Joanne to herself, as she keyed her Daddy's number, "I can please Daddy, and at the same time one-up my twin sisters once and for all!!"

"Hi-i-i- Daddy, can you meet me at Merl Hill's place in half an hour? I'll have a surprise gift for you there." she cooed, "You can, marvy, I'll see you then, kisses!"

Closing her cell phone she idly fingered her bald pussy.

"At last, a way to get back at Rebecca and Celestia for all the times they've stolen Daddy's love from me!! On their birthday too!" she smugly thought. "They've always gotten more of his love just because they were born on his own birthday, well I'll show them this time!" she thought, dressing in sheer blouse, micro-mini, and six inch pumps.

Merl Hill's was just a block from Joanne's apartment, so she strutted her impressive stuff up the street as all the guys ogled her.

"Well, they can't have me," she thought, "I'm Daddy's girl."

Merl had told Joanne, when she called, that he and Jessica would be in back and to come right through. As she walked in she saw that Merl had Jessica tied up over a tub, ready to gut her, preliminary to spitting. If she'd been just a bit later, it would have ruined her plan.

Daddy arrived just after Merl agreed to her plan, turning to him she threw her arms around and kissed him sexily, then gushed,

"Daddy dear how would you like to have me for your birthday dinner?!"

"What about the twins, don't you want to go to their party?"

"Oh, they always get what they want, for this dinner, I want you all to myself." she said, beginning to shed her clothes. Squeezing a firm round tit he asked,

"What about Jessica, it looks like he's gonna do her?"

"I guess he'll do her later." she said, her father tied her hands behind her back, as she'd asked.

Further back in the yard Merl was apologizing to his wife for her inconvenience.

"Jess honey..,I know you're ready to butcher but we only have the one spit and Joanne and her father are guests."

"It's O.K. Merl.., roast me next Saturday when our bowling team has its picnic. Besides, Joanne wants to give her father a birthday meal he will remember for a long time."

"Merl said it's OK, I hope you like your present." said Joanne as daddy lovingly tweaked her under the chin.

"Well you said I'd be surprised, but I'm sure you'll be delicious, In fact I wish you could be there to watch me enjoy my meal." he chuckled.

"Hmmm.., well I don't think that's possible, but Merl can spit me alive and if I'm lucky I'll hold out until you at least taste me."

"Wonderful," he said, as he tickled her protruding, aroused clitoris, "What parts does Merl say are best?"

"Oh.. Um! breasts, buttocks.., my cunt, I hope I taste good for you!" she giggled.

"Hmm? Do you think it would be improper if I fucked my dinner?" he said, hopefully.

Quickly Joanne hopped her butt up on a picnic table and spread her legs and Daddy was into her.

"I'm really gonna miss this!" he cried plunging deeply. Joanne's head was dangling off the other side of the table, so Merl walked up pulling out his impressive member and asking,

"May I lubricate the upper end, my dear?"

"Oh yes, please do!" she gushed, just before her mouth was filled.

Her writhing as she came, made her dislodge Merl for a few moments as she cried,

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, fuck me Da...!!" cut off suddenly as Merl reentered all the way down her throat. Suddenly all three came together with,

"Aaaaaah!!!" from Merl.

"Oh baby you're grr-eat!!!" from Daddy, and a muffled gulping,

"Mm-m-m-m!!!!" from Joanne.

Merl had wrist and knee cuffs that inserted into holes in the table, so it was unnecessary for Joanne to move. She was spread eagled accross the table in the same place she'd been fucked. After cramming stuffing into her two holes, Merl inserted the spit into her cunt.

"Can you really spit her without killing her?" Daddy asked.

"I do it about four out of five now." boasted Merl.

He moved it in and out a few times so she'd add more lube to that already there, then quickly shoved it through in one smoothe stroke,


Joanne's initial gasp turned into a cut off sigh, as the spit went through, emerging from her lips as her father held her head. The stabilizer bar was jammed up her ass and her arms and legs bound to the secondary stabilizer in the foetal position. After Jessica gave her a thorough basting she was soon twitching, jerking, and cumming over the coals.

Jessica kept Joanne well basted, turning her now and then to cook her evenly. About an hour later, her jiggling from cumming, and blinking eyes showed that she was still alive.

"Well Merl I want to thank you again for allowing Joanne and I to intrude like this..,I hope it hasn't put you out." said Joanne's father.

"Not at all..,as I told Joanne, you and your father are always welcome to use our various toys or equipment..,and I'm sure Jessica won't mind waiting 'till next week to be roasted..,Umm she's starting to smell delicious." Merl responded.

"I'm still amazed that you can keep her alive for so long..,she's been roasting since half past two..,oops! Can't forget my promise..I told her I'd slice off a bit and tell her how it tastes before she packs it in, what would you suggest?!" Daddy asked.

"Well it's time to turn her, so why don't you carve off a nipple, they should be quite tasty by now!" said Merl.

"Um!! Oh good..,it's time to turn me," thought Joanne hazily "I'm starting to singe, my nipples are going to burn!"

"Are there any tips I should know before I start carving?" Daddy asked.

"Don't worry, she'll slice like butter. Jess go get me that eight inch meat skewer, I'll run it through her tits so I can hold them steady while you carve."

Joanne was turned so her so her butt and back now roasted again, Merl jammed a skewer through her tits, and Daddy sliced off both nipples. As he savored one, he rubbed the other on Joanne's lips and the slightly protruding tip of her tongue upon the spit.

"Damn, that is one of the most delicious things I've ever tasted!!!" Exclaimed Daddy.

"It is!! It is!! I am delicious!! I am delic.....!" thought Joanne happily expiring, twitching as she came one last time.

"Just a few more hours and you'll have a great dinner to follow that appetizer." said Merl.

Placed on a table before her father, all golden crispy brown now, Joanne was a scrumptious sight to see. Ignoring the side dishes prepared for him, Joanne's father sliced out and ate her cunt filet, one breast, and a large helping of rump.

"Oh, such wonderful meat!" he exclaimed, "I really wish I could eat more, but I'm stuffed. Could I get a doggie bag Merl, to take her to the twin's party?"

"Sure thing," said Merl, "One big bag coming up!"

Back at Daddy's house, everyone at the party raved about how wonderful Joanne's meat tasted, though Rebecca and Celestia were quite miffed that Joanne had stolen the show at their party.

"Why did she have to do it today?" whined Celestia, "Why didn't you put her in the freezer and get some other meat?"

"Now dear, you should appreciate your sister's gesture, and relish her fine meat."

"But she did it for your birthday, not ours!" she sniveled.

"HEY!" shouted one of the guests from the kitchen doorway, "'Becca's trying to cram herself into the oven!"