Coliseum - Chapter 4 - Arena II

Posted by AlOmega on January 20, 2000 at 18:58:21:

In Reply to: Coliseum - Chapter 3 - Arena posted by AlOmega on January 20, 2000 at 18:56:22:


Arena II

Damn, she thought. Not now. They’re not ready! Barbanne agreed. But the Barbarians wanted a show. And a private show at that. She hated the Barbarians.

Once, long before being captured, she had asked her Druid Master about the origin of the term "Barbarian". He replied that Barbarians were so named because Their language sounded so similar to a sheep’s "baa baa". Although uncivilized, They were highly respected because They were larger than the average Celt. Their bane lay in disorganization during battle. Thus Their attacks of conquest was more in the nature of raids rather than war - Their need for slaves rather than lands. Her people had long know of this but had initially been helpless in fighting these fierce warriors from the south. However, seeing the threatened extinction of their own civilization if something drastic was not done, they decided long ago to test all young males and females between the age of seven and eight. This test consisted of measuring the spacing between a child’s wristbones. Those whose bones were close together would not be as tall as those whose bones were farther apart. Taller warriors trained from their youth would be fine warriors indeed And as their numbers increased, they could be formed into units of twenty or a hundred or a hundred-hundred so that within forty years, they could remove the yoke of raids that the outlying communities endured. That was the hope of the Celts. She remembered it well for she had been among the earliest warriors so trained. She and Barbanne.

"So what can we do, Barbanne?"

"Give them a ‘show’ that they’ll never forget, Low. I think an aggregation of fighters - along with what we originally planned - should do. And the others agree."

It was enough for the two trainers that their plans for the morning fight met with approval by those who would be participants. Their students would do well.

The kisses that Low and Barbanne gave one another was mixed with anxious fears for the next day. Neither should have worried.

The next day dawned like all others. Dew was drying on the sands as the candidates were brought forth. Apparently the hubbub was over a party of richer Barbarians who wished to make some purchases. A tall, black man who had been trained (and bedded) by Low was the first choice of the Barbarian Women. Skilled in both lance and sword, Pandus would be most formidable. Both Barbanne and Low had fought against him. Though he was less swift then they, he was one of the few who brought a new style to the Arena. However, fighting ability was not on the minds of the Women. Their eyes were gazing at other things.

But that did not hold with their second choice. Though also well-muscled, their second choice was more agile. What he lacked was a willingness to learn. Low had considered him impossible. Barbanne, however, had other ideas. She had managed to mold him into something that might survive. But against Pandus? Both knew his life would be measured in seconds. Too bad, thought Low. According to Barbanne, he also was quite a lover. But since only one of the male fighters would survive both women knew it wouldn’t be Sparty Cuss.

As they sparred - each testing the other for weaknesses - she realized that they must have talked to one another about this day. Pandus early on knew the weakness of the other. He could have killed in the first few seconds. So that was promise enough. Now if only....

And then it happened. The Barbarians asked for wine. It was the one thing Low and Barbanne had expected. These Barbarians had a weakness for the stuff. And their Barbarian Owner, Callus, did not have enough slaves for the purpose of serving guests. Thus he had chosen the three younger students. The twins were the wine-slaves for this day. And they also had weapons stolen from the kitchens. Cleavers can do much to change a person’s mind. Three well-born male Barbarians had their minds changed quickly enough. The twins joined by the younger boy almost slipped on the mix of brain and blood. It was easy enough to chase the screaming women to the Arena Compound. Not much security there since the Barbarians had never conceived of any slave rising in revolt. Both women looked at one another and smiled. "Stupid" was etched in their minds. The plan had gone well. What few loyal guards there were came under sword and spear quickly enough. Soon only the people loyal to both remained. Barbanne knew more about the country than Low and quickly suggested they travel north. Only one large contingent of Barbarians lay between them and their homeland.

But what to do about the three Barbarian women? Low was of a mind to give them to the men to do with as they would. While Barbanne was like-minded, she thought that death meted out quickly would be best. The rest agreed. Petra shook her sword loose. Smiling, she approached one of the women and thrust her sword though the first woman’s navel. She gave a twist to her blade withdrawing it. As the woman knelt in pain, a swift down stroke removed any cry for mercy from her lips.

"That is for what was done to my child."

Pandus took the next woman by her neck holding her high above him. He then lowered her to the ground; and, releasing her neck, turned her onto her stomach. Placing a knee on her back, he grasped her neck tightly and pulled back. Dull cracking sounds - whether from back or neck or both - barely escaped before the third Barbarian ran screaming to the barred entrance to the Arena. Turning, she barely had time to scream once more as three arrows found their marks. One in each breast and one in her midsection. Then a fourth piercing her heart silenced her screams forever. No one took credit. Indeed, it was more something that needed doing at the time.

The three younger students had gravitated to Low as the three women met their end. Now as they all left the Compound for the last time, the three remained with her as if she were their mother. Low took it in stride. Indeed what else should she have done.

Within a few minutes, the large party had lost itself in the dark confines of the forest. Gone but never forgotten was the Arena. But with some luck and time, they would within a few days be near enough to Celt lands where no longer need they fear pursuit by the Barbarians. And they would bring so many new fighting techniques that they expected a hearty welcome. It was the isochronal greens and yellows that caused everyone to pause and band together. Fear and uncertainty will do that. Until then everything had been going well.

That was when everything started popping. And I mean literally popping. All areound and between people were becoming visable accompanied by popping sounds. In front of Low appeared someone that looked almost like her. Indeed both were exactly alike. The only difference came from the rumbling growl that seemed to eminate from the newcomer‘s throat.